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Notice of Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement

Notice of Nondiscrimination

The University of Pittsburgh, as an educational institution and as an employer, does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, familial status, sex, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or gender identity and expression in its programs and activities.

The University does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on these bases and takes steps to ensure that students, employees, and third parties are not subject to a hostile environment in University programs or activities.

The University responds promptly and equitably to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It promptly conducts investigations and takes appropriate action, including disciplinary action, against individuals found to have violated its policies, as well as provides appropriate remedies to complainants and the campus community. The University is committed to taking prompt action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the campus community.

Please note that the University’s Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy also covers discrimination based on ethnicity. Although not listed explicitly, the University interprets discrimination based on ethnicity as being prohibited based on the policy’s inclusion of race, color, national origin, and ancestry as prohibited bases for discrimination. If you experience any discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, you should report such discrimination and it will be investigated in accordance with University policy and procedure.

For complete details on the University’s Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy (07-01-03) and Sexual Misconduct Policy (06-05-01), please visit the Policies, Procedures, and Practices page.

Vanessa Love             
Civil Rights and Title IX
31st Floor
Cathedral of Learning
4200 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Handles and coordinates responses to inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or expression.

Leigh Culley
Disability Resources and Services
140 William Pitt Union
3959 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Handles and coordinates responses to inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, age, and veteran status.

Tonia Suber
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Employee and Labor Relations
200 Craig Hall
200 S Craig St
Pittsburgh, PA 15260             

Handles and coordinates responses to inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, age, and veteran status, for cases involving staff members.

Anti-Harassment Policy Statement

No University employee, University student, or individual on University property may harass or abuse a person (physically, verbally or electronically) when the conduct is severe or pervasive and objectively and subjectively has the effect of: (1) unreasonably interfering with such person’s work or equal access to education, or (2) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or academic environment. Consistent with the University’s respective Community Standards, harassment on the basis of a legally protected classification, such as racial harassment or sexual harassment, is prohibited. This policy statement will be applied with due respect for the University’s commitment to equality of opportunity, human dignity, diversity, and academic freedom, and, when constitutionally protected speech is implicated, only to the extent consistent with the First Amendment.

Pursuant to the Community Standards associated with the Notice of Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement, please familiarize yourself with our Policies, Procedures, and Practices. If you have questions regarding these statements, please contact the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX for additional information.