Dev Hayostek earned a master’s degree in social work with a Mental Health Certificate from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Social Work and a bachelor’s degree in integrative arts from Pennsylvania State University.
Before obtaining a graduate degree Dev worked in the retail industry for 13 years, mostly in leadership roles, with a strong focus on training, development, and talent life cycle.
Dev’s areas of expertise are emotional intelligence and leadership, SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression), LGBTQIA+ history/rights, psychiatric disabilities/mental health, fat justice/body inclusivity, and system racism.
Dev currently serves as the lead prevention educator in the Office for Sexual Violence Prevention & Education, which is housed in the Office for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion at the University of Pittsburgh.
In addition to sexual violence prevention work at the University of Pittsburgh, Dev is a developer and facilitator of the Racial Equity Consciousness Institute in the Center on Race and Social Problems (CRSP) at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Social Work. Dev self-identifies as a fat, queer, agender, activist who believes that every body deserves to have the resources, support, compassion, and care they need to thrive.